Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Looking Back

I am in absolute disbelief that today is the last day of 2013.  Every year seems to go by faster and faster, a quiet reminder how important it is to live every day to the fullest yet enjoy the simple moments.  This year has had its fair share of highs and lows, but ultimately the joy and love outweighed the pain and sadness.  My mom was diagnosed with cancer and subsequently kicked cancers butt!  My best friend got married with me by her side as her maid of honor.  My boyfriend and I moved in together.  We fostered a homeless dog who we ended up falling in love with and adopting.  I got a new freelance job which allows me the flexibility to work when and where I want.  I traveled to Italy, made new friends, and revamped my blog.  Next year holds a lot of unknown, but I am confident that the best is yet to come.  Cheers to making 2014 one for the books!

Image via Alicia Bock


  1. 2013 was certainly a memorable year. I am so grateful for the love and support of my family and friends who helped me through a difficult journey. So happy for you, Molly, and all the positive things that have happened in your life. Keep blogging!

  2. what a year 2013 was for you. 2014 will be the best one yet!
