Monday, December 30, 2013

Art :: LA Marquees

I recently stumbled across Parisian OcĂ©ane Buret's images of LA's most famous marquees and landmarks, and am absolutely in love.  The colors and typography are just beautiful, and did I mention she captured them with a simple point and shoot camera?  I have still never been to LA and these photos are just that much more of a reason for me to change that.

PS - If you like old marquis signs and live in the Midwest I highly recommend a trip to the American Sign Museum.  Total Americana.
Images via Honestly WTF


  1. wow, these are all classic places and many are super close to where I live! Unfortunately, many of these locations are currently closed and I'm waiting for them to be renovated and reopened. I decided to take pictures of different locations for a before and after photo shoot. Maybe compare in a few years from now since downtown LA is changing so much. You should definitely head out here when you get a chance!

  2. Love these photos! Great classic finds!

  3. So cool and artsy. What's not to love?

  4. Love all of these!! Something so fun and magical about old signs.

  5. i couldn't agree with you more! i would love an old marquis sign in my house someday :)

  6. those photos sound like they will be beautiful! i know, i have been to lots of different areas in california but still not LA. i think that needs to change :)

  7. I've never seen any of these signs live, but I would love to - they are so gorgeous and they definitely are extremely photogenic!
