Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Dressing the Walls

As I mentioned on Monday we're getting ready to paint several rooms in our house, but I'm struggling to decide on paint colors.  In general I am the queen of overthinking and it seems like the decisions are magnified now that it is our new house and I just want everything to truly be a reflection of Ryan and I.  Since our downstairs has such high ceilings and so much woodwork {and the fact that we are both so darn busy}, we're hiring someone to paint it and then will chip away at the upstairs when we have time.  While that is a relief because I know I will actually have some free time now over the next few months, it also makes the decision seem that much more important because it's definitely not cheap hiring painters and I want it to look great so we don't decide to repaint in another 6 months!  As of now, here are some of my ideas for the bottom floor...

For our entryway I'm loving the Nina Campbell Perroquet Wallpaper.  I have seriously adored this since I saw the black version in Rita Konig's entry way in Domino.  I'm thinking of doing the light color way because....

Monday, February 9, 2015

Our House!

Well hello there!  How was your January?  We've been busy getting settled into our new house and are on absolute cloud nine.  If you follow me on Instagram then you've already seen these photos, but for those of you who haven't I wanted to share with you some snaps of our little place. We haven't made much progress yet but are slowly narrowing down paint colors and just purchased our first new piece of furniture!