Wednesday, December 11, 2013

DIY :: Mason Jar Snow Globes

Can you believe Christmas is only two weeks away?  I have {for the most part} finished up my Christmas shopping, but I'm sure I will stumble across a few more goodies too sweet to pass up.  Today I want to share with you my absolute favorite holiday DIY, ever.  A few years ago while shopping at Anthropologie I noticed these beautiful mason jar snow globes.  I imagined how beautiful they would look in a grouping on my mantle..but then I saw the price tag.  $28-$40 dollars for one snow globe seemed a bit absurd to me.  So, after a little of research I found this DIY online and knew I had to give it a shot.  I am happy to say they were so easy and turned out absolutely beautiful...which in my book is the perfect DIY!  Directions:

Mason Jar Snow Globes


Small trees {I bought a whole bag of them for $11 at Michaels}
Mason jars of various sizes {or any other jars, like a salt shaker}
Little ornaments, etc. you may want to add
Pine Cones, Glitter, and a glue gun


Simply hot glue the trees to the bottom of the jar’s lid along with pincones, ornaments, etc.   Add ALOT of glitter!  Either glue or screw the lid back on the jar and ta-da! 

DIY via Arielle Elise Blog, image via Two Delighted


  1. Love this DIY! I've already made a couple to give as gifts!

  2. This is such a great idea. I never thought to try it with mason jars.

  3. Molly {Dreams in HD}December 16, 2013 at 1:56 PM

    thank you!!

  4. Molly {Dreams in HD}December 16, 2013 at 1:56 PM

    thanks kayleigh...i know, i love how it adds a rustic charm to the christmas decor.

  5. Molly {Dreams in HD}December 16, 2013 at 1:56 PM

    ah that is such a good idea! i think i may have to give a few as a gift next year, they are so cute and so easy!
