Friday, June 7, 2013

À La Plage, À La Piscine

I'm not sure what it is about summer, but it always makes me so nostalgic for those wonderful and oh-so-fleeting summer vacations of my youth.  Living in the Midwest {read: landlocked} meant a lot of hot summer days spent at the pool, daydreaming about the beach.  How perfect it would have been to hop in a friends car and head off to the beach for a day of sun, surf, and sand...drinking Diet Cokes, reading Seventeen magazine, and packing a picnic lunch to eat on beach towels? 

So maybe it's this nostalgic longing for my youth that makes me so attracted towards Gray Malin's amazing "À La Plage, À La Piscine" series in which he shoots beaches from Bridgehampton to St. Tropez from a doorless helicopter.  What may be a crowded, hot beach, filled with people, chairs, and umbrellas from below instantly becomes a beautiful pattern of color, repetition, shape, and form from above.  I absolutely love these photos blown-up and hung in a super traditional space {and this one looks pretty amazing as well}.  So what about you?  Will you be spending your summer at the beach?
Images via Honestly WTF


  1. I understand! I took the beach for granted when I was younger and now am landlocked! We're going to try a great lake this summer. It won't be the same, but trying to make the best of it! Oh and lots of pool visits.

  2. These photos are amazing! Make me want to be at the beach.

  3. Beautiful photographs! Would love to hang at the beach, but a beautiful lake is calling my name...

  4. What a neat series. I'm a former California girl landlocked in the Midwest so I'm especially loving all those gorgeous photos! :)
