Friday, April 19, 2013

Charlotte Olympia

If you know me, you will know that it is a rare occasion that I wear heels.  While I absolutely love the look of them, I have the worst time finding ones that fit correctly and are at least moderately comfortable.  However, if I woke up tomorrow and that changed {and if I stumbled upon a large sum of money} I would head straight to Neiman Marcus to pick up a few pairs of Charlotte Olympia beauties.  I absolutely love how her designs are so retro, feminine, and whimsical.  And don't even get me started on this heart-covered pair.  Until then, I will just have to swoon at them from a distance.  Sigh...

Images via Neiman Marcus


  1. love love Charlotte olympia, but it's so expensive

    Elegantesque Blog

  2. Obsessed with that first pair!

  3. Great minds think alike. I love Charlotte Olympia shoes. I have a couple pairs...but of course I got them on sale for a 1/3 of the price. Not sure if you have a Nordstroms Rack but the ones here in California always carry great designer shoes at a fraction of the price.

    * Great blog....Now a Follower!

